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Build Behavior

Configure Application

To configure an environment and all its downstream PR environments, select Configure in that environment's kebab menu:

Configure Shipyard application to deploy only select GitHub labeled PRs

The Notifications and General Settings tab in the Configure Application page allows you to configure the behavior of new builds. All of these settings apply at the environment level: PR environments will inherit settings from their respective base environments unless overridden.

Configure Shipyard application build behavior

Cancel existing build when starting new one

If this is enabled, any builds in flight for a given environment will be canceled when a new build gets queued.

Branch Deny Regex Pattern

If this is enabled, any pull requests where the base branch matches the given regular expression will NOT have a pull request environment created for it.

Deploy PRs with GitHub labels

If this is enabled, pull request environments will only be created for pull requests with the labels specified.

Auto-build on new commits

If this is enabled, new builds for commits will only be triggered on the selected repositories.

PR with Labels vs. Auto-build for new commits

There’s a distinction between how to control when new environments are created for new PRs vs. for new commits being pushed into an existing PR.

To prevent new PRs from creating new environments, use labels. Then when you create a new PR, it will not get a Shipyard environment unless it has the label.

To prevent new builds triggered by new pushed commits (on environments that already exist), use the auto-build on new commits.

Prevent auto-builds on base environment

You can disable base environment auto-builds (e.g. upon new commits or merges) while keeping PR environment auto-builds active.

  1. Select Always build PR environments on updates
  2. De-select all repositories from Auto-build on new commits
Configure Shipyard application to disable base auto-builds but not PR auto-builds