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Shipyard CLI

You can install the Shipyard CLI locally and connect your Shipyard account to access, manage, port forward, or exec into your containers.


View the source on GitHub

curl | bash

Get your token

Set the environment variable SHIPYARD_API_TOKEN to your Shipyard API token. You can get it by going to your profile page.

Set a Shipyard token

shipyard set token

If you would like to enable API access for your org, contact us at

Alternatively, you can use a configuration file stored in $HOME/.shipyard/config.yaml by default. When you run the CLI for the first time, it will create a default empty config that you can then edit.

You can also specify a non-default config path with the --config {path} flag added to any command.

Add any configuration values in your config and ensure the file follows YAML syntax. For example:

SHIPYARD_API_TOKEN: <your-token>
ORG: <your-non-default-org>

The values of your environment variables override their corresponding values in the config.

Basic usage

If you are a part of multiple organizations that use Shipyard, then you can view all organizations and select your default org.

Get all orgs you are a member of

shipyard get orgs

Set the global default org

shipyard set org {org-name}

Get the currently configured org

shipyard get org

List all environments

After you have set up your org, you can list a few details of all your environments and their current states. This list includes the UUID for each environment, which you will use to manage that environment through the CLI.


You should run this command each time you connect to your Shipyard containers to get the correct UUIDs.

shipyard get environments

Available flags:

NameDescriptionTypeDefault Value
branchFilter by branch namestring
deletedReturn deleted environmentsbooleanfalse
jsonPrint the complete JSON outputbooleanfalse
nameFilter by name of the applicationstring
org-nameFilter by org name, if you are part of multiple orgsstringyour default org
pagePage number requestedint1
page-sizePage size requestedint20
pull-request-numberFilter by pull request numberstring
repo-nameFilter by repo namestring


  • List all environments running the repo flask-backend on branch main:
shipyard get environments --repo-name flask-backend --branch main
  • List all deleted environments:
shipyard get environments --deleted

Get details for a specific environment by its UUID

This command shows the services running for a particular environment with their associated ports:

shipyard get environment {environment_uuid}

Available flags:

NameDescriptionTypeDefault Value
jsonPrint the complete JSON outputbooleanfalse
org-nameFilter by org name, if you are part of multiple orgsstringyour default org

Managing your environments

Now that you have the information you need, such as the UUID, available services, and their associated ports, you can start managing your containers locally.

Stop a running environment

shipyard stop environment {environment_uuid}

Restart a stopped environment

shipyard restart environment {environment_uuid}

You can't restart a cancelled environment; you have to rebuild it.

Cancel ongoing build for an environment

shipyard cancel environment {environment_uuid}

Rebuild an environment

shipyard rebuild environment {environment_uuid}

Revive a deleted environment

shipyard revive environment {environment_uuid}

Get all services and exposed ports for an environment

shipyard get services --env {environment_uuid}

Exec into a running environment's service

Execute any command with any arguments and flags in a given service for a running environment. Pass any command arguments after a double slash.

Container Shells

In order to exec into your container, it must have a shell.

If your container doesn't have a bash shell, you'll see this error when attempting to exec:

exec: "bash": executable file not found in $PATH: unknown

A container's shell (or lack thereof) usually depends on its base image. For example, a distroless or minimal image typically won't include a sh or bash shell, but its debug/dev version may have one.

More info on accessing shells in Docker containers.

shipyard exec --env {environment_uuid} --service {service_name} -- bash

Copy a file into a running environment's service

Append the contents of a local file to an existing file in your running remote environment.

cat local-file.txt | shipyard exec --env {environment_uuid} --service {service_name} -- bash -c "cat > remote-file.txt"

Port forward a running environment's service's port

Use this function to port forward a service from a running environment to a localhost port. The service_port is the service's internal container port.

shipyard port-forward --env {environment_uuid} --service {service_name} --ports {local_port}:{service_port}

Get logs for a running environment's service

shipyard logs --env {environment_uuid} --service {service_name}

Available flags:

NameDescriptionTypeDefault Value
followFollow the logs outputbooleanfalse
tail# of recent log lines to showint3000

Work with volumes

List all volumes in an environment

shipyard get volumes --env {environment_uuid}

List all volume snapshots in an environment

shipyard get snapshots --env {environment_uuid}

Reset a volume in an environment

shipyard reset volume --env {environment_uuid}

Create a snapshot in an environment

shipyard create snapshot --env {environment_uuid}

Load a volume snapshot in an environment

shipyard load snapshot --env {environment_uuid} --sequence-number {n}

Upload a file to a volume in an environment

shipyard upload volume --env {environment_uuid} --volume {volume} --file {filepath.bz2}

Connect to telepresence

shipyard telepresence connect --env {environment_uuid}

From there, you'll be able to communicate directly with all pods in the namespace. You may have to use the namespace hostname to communicate with services, which you can get via telepresence status under the Namespace field. For example, to communicate with redis, you'd use redis.shipyard-app-build-{uuid}

Build executable from code

You can make an executable by running the following command:


To run this new executable:


Enable autocompletion


This script depends on the bash-completion package. If it is not already installed, you can install it via your package manager.

To load completions in your current shell session:

source <(shipyard completion bash)

To load completions for every new session:

On Linux:

shipyard completion bash > /etc/bash_completion.d/shipyard

On macOS:

shipyard completion bash > $(brew --prefix)/etc/bash_completion.d/shipyard